3.12: Segment Data Processing and Storage Based on Sensitivity

Segment data processing and storage, based on the sensitivity of the data. Do not process sensitive data on enterprise assets intended for lower sensitivity data.

Asset Type

Security Function

Implementation Groups



2, 3


  • Safeguard 3.2: Establish and Maintain a Data Inventory

  • Safeguard 12.4: Establish and Maintain Architecture Diagram(s)


  1. GV12: Sensitive Data Inventory

  2. GV4: Enterprise Network Architecture Documentation


  1. An asset’s overall sensitivity level should be the highest sensitivity level of the data it stores/processes/transmits. If a system contains any sensitive information, that asset should be treated accordingly, and should be properly separated from networks or network segments that don’t have a need to access that type of sensitive information.


  1. For each item in GV12 identify the assets that store, process, or transmit sensitive data (:code:`GV18: M1)

  2. Use the output of Operation 1 and GV4 to identify networks/VLANs connected to the assets
    1. Identify and enumerate any instances of properly seperated assets from less sensitive networks (M2)

    2. Identify and enumerate any instances of improperly seperated assets from less sensitive networks (M3)


  • M1 = Count of assets storing, processing, or transmitting sensitive data

  • M2 = Count of sensitive assets properly seperated from less sensitive networks

  • M3 = Count of sensitive assets improperly seperated from less sensitive networks




The percentage of properly seperated sensitive assets.


M2 / M1