15.1: Establish and Maintain an Inventory of Service Providers

Establish and maintain an inventory of service providers. The inventory is to list all known service providers, include classification(s), and designate an enterprise contact for each service provider. Review and update the inventory annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.

Asset Type

Security Function

Implementation Groups



1, 2, 3


  • None


  1. GV44: Service Provider Inventory List

  2. GV46: Date of last review or update of the service provider inventory


  1. Determine whether the enterprise maintains a service provider inventory list by checking for Input 1,
    1. If Input 1 exists, M1 = 1

    2. If Input 2 does not exist, M1 = 0

  2. Review Input 1 and determine if it includes, at a minimum, the following components: service provider, classification of provider, and an enterprise contact for the provider
    1. For each component included, assign a value of 1. Sum all values. (M2)

  3. For each service provider indentied in Input 1 GV45, determine whether they are accurately listed
    1. Identify and enumerate providers that are accurately listed (M4)

    2. Identify and enumerate providers that are erroneously listed (M5)

    3. Identify and enumerate providers that should be listed but are missing (M6)

  4. Compare the date from Input 2 with the current date and capture the time frame in months (M7)


  • M1 = Output of Operation 1

  • M2 = Count of components included in the inventory

  • M3 = Count of service providers in the inventory

  • M4 = Count of accurately listed providers

  • M5 = Count of erroneously listed providers

  • M6 = Count of missing providers from list

  • M7 = Timeframe since last update or review of the inventory


  • If M1 is a 0, this safeguard receives a failing score. The other metrics don’t apply.

  • If M7 is greater than twelve months, then this safeguard is measured at a 0 and receives a failing score. The other metrics don’t apply.

Completeness of Inventory


The percentage of components included in the inventory


M2 / 3

Accuracy of Inventory


The perecentage of accurately listed service providers
in the inventory


M4 / (M3 - M5 + M6)