8.5: Collect Detailed Audit Logs

Configure detailed audit logging for enterprise assets containing sensitive data. Include event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, destination addresses, and other useful elements that could assist in a forensic investigation.

Asset Type

Security Function

Implementation Groups



2, 3


  • Safeguard 1.1: Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory


  1. GV18: Enterprise assets storing, processing, and transmitting sensitive data

  2. GV26: Enterprise’s audit log management process

  3. GV3: Configuration standards


  1. Review GV26 for detailed logging requirements such as event source, date, username, timestamp, source addresses, and destination addresses.
    1. For each detailed logging requirement included, assign a value of 1. Sum all requirements included. (M2)

  2. For each asset in GV18 check configuraions using GV3 as a guide
    1. Identify and enumerate assets properly configured to collect detailed logging requirements (M3)

    2. Identify and enumerate assets not properly configured to collect detailed logging requirements (M4)


  • M1 = Count of assets capable of supporting logging GV27

  • M2 = Count of detailed logging requirements included in log management process

  • M3 = Count of assets properly configured to collect detailed logs

  • M4 = Count of assets not properly configured to collect detailed logs


Completeness of Process

Logging Coverage