8.3: Ensure Adequate Audit Log Storage

Ensure that logging destinations maintain adequate storage to comply with the enterprise’s audit log management process.

Asset Type

Security Function

Implementation Groups



1, 2, 3


  • Safeguard 1.1: Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory


  1. GV27: Assets capable of supporting logging

  2. GV26: Enterprise’s audit log management process


  1. It is assumed that if the an asset is properly configured to meet the retention policy, that would include log rotation, maximum storage size, etc.


  1. For each asset in GV27 collect the asset’s logging configuration

  2. Compare the output of Operation 1 and the retention portion of G26
    1. Identify and enumerate assets configured to comply with the retention portion of the process (M2)

    2. Identify and enumerate assets not configured to comply with the retention portion of the process (M3)


  • M1 = Count of GV27 assets capable of supporting logging

  • M2 = Count of assets properly configured to meet retention requirements

  • M3 = Count of assets not properly configured to meet retention requirements


Logging Storage Coverage