7.3: Perform Automated Operating System Patch Management

Perform operating system updates on enterprise assets through automated patch management on a monthly, or more frequent, basis.

Asset Type

Security Function

Implementation Groups



1, 2, 3


  • Safeguard 1.1: Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory

  • Safeguard 2.1: Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory

  • Safeguard 4.1: Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process


  1. GV5: Authorized software inventory

  2. GV1: Enterprise asset inventory

  3. Authoritative source of information indicating version details by product

  4. GV3: Configuration standards


  1. Use GV5 to identify authorized operating systems within the enterprise

  2. Use GV1 and the output of Operation 1 to identify the operating system currently running on each asset (M1)

  3. For each asset, compare the version of the operating system to that listed in Input 4
    1. Identify and enumerate operating systems that are up to date (M2)

    2. Identify and enumerate operating systems that are not up to date (M3)

  4. For each operating system idetified in Operation 2.2, determine whether there is a documented exception
    1. Identify and enumerate operating systems with a documented exception (M4)

    2. Identify and enumerate operating systems without a documented exception (M5)

  5. Use GV5 to identify authorized automated patch management software (M6)

  6. Compare output of Operation 5 and Operation 1
    1. Identify and enumerate operating systems covered by at least one automated patch management software (M7)

    2. Identify and enumerate operating systems not covered by at least one automated patch management software (M8)

  7. Check configurations of automated patch mangement software identified in Operation 5 using GV3
    1. Identify and enumerate those configured to run every 30 days or less (M9)

    2. Identify and enumerate those not configured to run every 30 days or less (M10)


  • M1 = Count of authorized operating sytem installed on an asset

  • M2 = Count of up to date operating system installed on an asset

  • M3 = Count of operating system installed on an asset that is not up to date

  • M4 = Count of not up to date operating system with a documented exception

  • M5 = Count of not up to date operating system without a documented exception

  • M6 = Count of authorized automated patch management software

  • M7 = Count of operating systems covered by at least one automated patch management software

  • M8 = Count of operating systems not covered by at least one automated patch management software

  • M9 = Count of automated patch management software properly configured to run every 30 days or less

  • M10 = Count of automated patch management software not properly configured to run every 30 days


Update Effectiveness (Per Asset)


The percent of operating system on an asset that are up to date


(M2 + M4) / M1

Update Effectiveness (Organizational)

Calculate the organizational metric by averaging the asset scores

Coverage of Automation

Scan Compliance