4.3: Configure Automatic Session Locking on Enterprise Assets

Configure automatic session locking on enterprise assets after a defined period of inactivity. For general purpose operating systems, the period must not exceed 15 minutes. For mobile end-user devices, the period must not exceed 2 minutes.

Asset Type

Security Function

Implementation Groups



1, 2, 3


  • Safeguard 1.1: Establish and Maintain Detailed Enterprise Asset Inventory

  • Safeguard 2.1: Establish and Maintain a Software Inventory

  • Safeguard 4.1: Establish and Maintain a Secure Configuration Process


  1. GV1: Enterprise asset inventory

  2. GV5: Authorized software Inventory

  3. GV3: Configuration standard


  1. Identify and enumerate assets within GV1 that support automatic locking due to inactivity (M1)

  2. Use GV5 to identify and enumerate assets from Operation 1 with authorized software installed (M2)

  3. Check the configurations for the software using GV3
    1. For general computing assets, enumerate those assets with properly configured automatic locking (15 minutes or less) (M3)

    2. For general computing assets, enumerate those assets with improperly configured automatic locking (greater than 15 minutes) (M4)

    3. For mobile assets, enumerate those assets with properly configured automatic locking (2 minutes or less) (M5)

    4. For mobile assets, enumerate those assets with improperly configured automatic locking (greater than 2 minutes) (M6)


  • M1 = Count of assets capable of supporting automatic lockout

  • M2 = Count of assets with authorized software installed to allow lockout

  • M3 = Count of general computing assets with properly configured lockout

  • M4 = Count of general computing assets with improperly configured lockout

  • M5 = Count of mobile assets with properly configured lockout

  • M6 = Count of mobile assets with improperly configured lockout


Properly Configured Assets


The percentage of assets properly configured for automatic lockout.


(M3 + M5) / M1