14.1: Establish and Maintain a Security Awareness Program

Establish and maintain a security awareness program. The purpose of a security awareness program is to educate the enterprise’s workforce on how to interact with enterprise assets and data in a secure manner. Conduct training at hire and, at a minimum, annually. Review and update content annually, or when significant enterprise changes occur that could impact this Safeguard.

Asset Type

Security Function

Implementation Groups



1, 2, 3


  • None


  1. Security awareness program

  2. GV43: List of workforce members

  3. List of most recent security awareness training completion dates for each workforce member

  4. Date of last review or update to security awareness program content


  1. Check enterprise to determine if Input 1 exists
    1. If Input 1 exists, M1 = 1

    2. If Input 1 does not exist, M1 = 0

  2. Compare the date in Input 4 to the current date and capture timeframe in months (M2)

  3. For every member of the workforce in Input 2 GV43, determine whether the member has completed training
    1. Identify and enumerate members who have completed at least initial training (M4)

    2. Identify and enumerate members who have not completed any training (M5)

  4. For every member of the workforce identified in Operation 3.1, identify the date of most recently completed security awareness training

  5. For every member of the workforce identified in Operation 3.1, use the output of Operation 4 and compare the date to current date. Capture timeframe in months.
    1. Identify and enumerate members whose most recent training date is less than or equal to twelve months from current date (M6)

    2. Identify and enumerate members whose most recent training date is greater than twelve months from current date (M7)


  • M1 = Output of Operation 1

  • M2 = Output of Operation 2

  • M3 = Count of Input 2 GV43

  • M4 = Count of workforce members that have completed training

  • M5 = Count of workforce members that have not completed training

  • M6 = Count of workforce members whose training is up to date

  • M7 = Count of workforce members whose training is not up to date


  • If M1 is measured at a 0, this safeguard receives a failing score. The other metrics don’t apply.

  • If M2 is greater than twelve months, then this safeguard is measured at a 0 and receives a failing score. The other metrics don’t apply.

Initial Training Compliance


The percentage of workforce members that have received initial training


M4 / M3

Up to Date Training


The percentage of compliant workforce members


M6 / M3